The Laws of Simplicity
Publication   |   Typography   |   Fall 2021

The Laws of Simplicity, by John Maeda, is a book about the importance of simplicity in design. It uncovers the different layers simplicity can be interpreted as, through 10 laws and 3 keys. Based on the book’s own principles, it was redesigned with the original text and imagery.

The book already had dot graphics to represent each chapter, so to expand on that idea more, dots were incorporated into all aspects of the design system. The dots are not solely for decoration, as they are often used to bring attention to important content. There is an added benefit of making the content more playful and engaging. To emphasize the conciseness of 10 laws, and to allow for easy navigation, each of the laws start as an orange spread.

This project reinforced the benefit of grid and hierarchy systems in book design.


1. Type selection

2. Sketches

3. Crits

4. Notes

5. Cover Designs

6. Drafts